Friday, February 26, 2010

Sleep Can Make Young

Sleep is a necessity for all people. Unfortunately, especially if you are a busy person with a pile of activities. Busyness makes you experience sleep disturbances, insomnia one. This sleep disturbance may often experienced by people who like you busy. Demands of deadlines, piles of work targets, until the problems at home sometimes stress you to no sleep.

In fact, regular sleep pattern quality can keep you young. According to David Morawetz, sleep speasialist from Melbourne, when you sleep, there are some hormones that are produced, such as melatonin are released by the pineal gland in the center of the brain. The presence of this hormone is regulated by the regularity of your sleep.

Melatonin is known as the most powerful antioxidants to counteract the oxidation in the body. Thus, as an antioxidant melatonin can help repair cells and body systems are damaged when you sleep. Because, during sleep all organ functions also tend to be clumsy, at the time cells and tissues that wear and damage restored.

Well, so you can sleep patterns undergo a quality, consider the following tips:

Know your bedtime
Drowsiness appear every 60 or 90 minutes. That drowsiness will automatically appear in your body. If you do not feel sleepy, then you do not hear the alarm automatically on your body. Stop all activity, whether reading or watching, if you're already feeling a little sleepy. That way, you hear an alarm that tells the body it's time to sleep.

Clean up before bed
Clean up should always do every day before bed. Clean yourself like a toothbrush, and wash your hands and feet. Do not forget to clean the tools you sleep like pillows, bolsters, bed to the blanket. This was to remove the dust and make you sleep soundly and quality that will be very useful for your health of course.

Wake up at the same time every day
You do not need to sleep at the same hour every night. However, it would be good for your body to wake up at the same hour every day. If you wake up at the same time each day, the body will establish sleep patterns. If you have a regular sleep pattern, then your body will automatically have the "body clock". In the body's alarm, which will wake you up without having to rely on an alarm.

Remember, the bed only for sleep and sex

Try to keep your bedroom only for sleep and sex. If your bedroom is the television, laptop, radio and telephone, then the atmosphere will be disturbed sleep. Activity that occurs because these electronic devices will destroy your desire to rest. So, you should keep the equipment from your bedroom.

Do not think about weight problems
Key from a sound sleep is not stressed. Try to solve problems at work or home before you sleep. Stress than disturb your sleep problems, can also cause other diseases. If you are having severe problems should invest in yourself "I've been thinking about this all day, it's time to rest and I'll continue tomorrow with a fresh body"

Prioritizing the quality of the quantity
If you have little time to sleep best use. Because, the quality of sleep will greatly affect your health than the quantity of sleep. If you sleep too long will actually cause headaches. So, use your sleep time.

Monday, February 15, 2010

7 Habits That Cause Potbelly

But do not worry, many solutions that can be done to overcome them. For that, you need first, what habits can lead to fat in the abdomen.

Here are 7 habits that can lead to fat deposits in the abdomen:

1. Excessive Lunch
These tactics always backfire. When you skip breakfast, you'll get even at lunchtime. Your appetite will increase two-fold, when you did not eat breakfast. This revenge factor that usually makes you go crazy and over lunch. This is also what makes the number of fat that gather in your stomach. Try to control your appetite by eating small portions of food or medium size, and eat every three to four hours. Guaranteed in this way does not make your stomach stretched and cause fat deposits.

2. Becoming Vegetarian
Women will often shy away from foods such as meat, fish and various types of milk because these foods contain lots of calories and fat. But the fact is, the kinds of foods are protein sources that can help increase your metabolism to fend off the coming problems protruding belly. Choosing foods low in calories, low in fat like cheese or tuna fish can help you get enough protein. For example, 6 ounces of tuna fish that we eat every day, guaranteed to meet three-quarters of your daily protein needs.

3. Eating too much bread
The high insulin content in the bread could trigger the occurrence of obesity is increasing gradually, and allows increased fat in the abdomen. Better consumption of rice, oatmeal, or whole wheat tortillas (wheat flour) once a day, guaranteed not to increase abdominal fat.

4. Sit-ups considers Can Make Stomach Flat
Sit-ups to tighten the abdominal muscles was true, but do sit-ups will not reduce the effect of a layer of fat in the abdomen. Do 50, 100 and 500 sit-ups will not even make you loose jeans in a flash. What should you do? The answer is cardio exercise. Because by doing cardio as a warm-up exercises such as cycling, walking or dancing before exercise, can burn more calories than not do it at all. Rather than waste all your time for sit-ups, better cycling or walking around your house complex.

5. Alcoholic Beverages
Beverage alcohol has many calories. So that when you celebrate binge, nutritionists would say, basically it can invite the fat deposits in your abdomen. If you want alcoholic beverages would prefer red wine, because based on the research, consuming red wine can erode the fat in the abdomen.

6. Food Consumption and Low-fat Low Calorie
You might think that choosing sugar-free yogurt, diet sodas or snacks that contain less fat and low in calories can help you reduce fat deposits. but according to some versions of nutritionists say that eating foods with sugar content corresponding believed to trigger your metabolism to increase fat storage.

7. Food left High Saturated Fat Nothing
This is just the opposite, foods high in saturated fat can help you burn belly fat and lead you to eat less. Nutritionists recommend cutting one-quarter of the avocado in a sandwich or a little olive oil and vinegar salad, can be a food high in unsaturated fats are good for the body.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

You know, when sleep time is spent working, of course, can make the body condition is not stable? Perhaps, your profession requires to work outside working hours in the evening. Such as hotel employees, medical personnel or the news reporters to be ready 24 hours. When should undergo the night shift or overtime work you have to use their sleep time to work.

According to dr. Hrayr Attarian, chief medic at Fletcher Allen Health Care, Vermont, United States, not much different from the machine, a biological body needs a break. Like a machine that is used continuously without stopping, automatic engine parts over time, or in this case the body organs will be damaged.

At night, the body's metabolic rate decreases. At this time the body to discharge toxic chemicals (detoxification) in the antibody system. So it's worth, in these hours to rest your body. If you ignore sleep or often stay up all night can disrupt the process of disposal of substances such useless. So bad for health.

If it so, diseases or health disorders that are vulnerable to attack that night workers, among others:

Lack of sleep at night, can make immune decline. Well, if these conditions along with the evening breeze on our bodies, cold will be a disease for us.

As stamina was not fit, causing vulnerable to the flu, because due to a virus.

Infection of respiratory system disorders
The cold night wind can cause, disruption of lung health. Particularly cold allergy sufferers, will be prone to bronchitis and asthma.

Liver or hepatitis A
This is because people are active at night, his heart function is triggered to work faster so that the higher body detoxification. As a result, the condition of the body susceptible to disease.


Digestive system is relatively inactive at night. If you eat any food can trigger digestive problems, such as stomach upset and diarrhea.

Heart health disorders
The more nights to work the heart work harder. When you sleep, the heart is resting, and working more slowly. When you work nights, the heart works too, and continue to pump blood into the body.

In order to avoid the disease, follow the following tips:

Reduce coffee. Indeed, this one drink can make us not sleepy. But, caffeine in coffee can actually increase the risk of gastritis or gastric disturbances. Replace coffee with water or tea.

Eat enough before and during overtime
. If you're dieting, you should stop it first. Therefore, the extra work requires extra energy, which can be obtained from food nutrients. Eat fruits and vegetables, so that adequate fiber intake.

Consumption of vitamin C supplements, or multivitamins. The objective is to improve the immune system, antioxidants, and repair body cells are damaged.

Enough rest time. When your body's biological time is not normal, people who stayed up late to change the hours of rest at another time. sleep a little before night duty. That way, your stamina will be maintained despite up all night.

Regular exercise to maintain fitness. No need to type a particular sport, the important moves actively, such as walking and climbing stairs.