Friday, February 26, 2010

Sleep Can Make Young

Sleep is a necessity for all people. Unfortunately, especially if you are a busy person with a pile of activities. Busyness makes you experience sleep disturbances, insomnia one. This sleep disturbance may often experienced by people who like you busy. Demands of deadlines, piles of work targets, until the problems at home sometimes stress you to no sleep.

In fact, regular sleep pattern quality can keep you young. According to David Morawetz, sleep speasialist from Melbourne, when you sleep, there are some hormones that are produced, such as melatonin are released by the pineal gland in the center of the brain. The presence of this hormone is regulated by the regularity of your sleep.

Melatonin is known as the most powerful antioxidants to counteract the oxidation in the body. Thus, as an antioxidant melatonin can help repair cells and body systems are damaged when you sleep. Because, during sleep all organ functions also tend to be clumsy, at the time cells and tissues that wear and damage restored.

Well, so you can sleep patterns undergo a quality, consider the following tips:

Know your bedtime
Drowsiness appear every 60 or 90 minutes. That drowsiness will automatically appear in your body. If you do not feel sleepy, then you do not hear the alarm automatically on your body. Stop all activity, whether reading or watching, if you're already feeling a little sleepy. That way, you hear an alarm that tells the body it's time to sleep.

Clean up before bed
Clean up should always do every day before bed. Clean yourself like a toothbrush, and wash your hands and feet. Do not forget to clean the tools you sleep like pillows, bolsters, bed to the blanket. This was to remove the dust and make you sleep soundly and quality that will be very useful for your health of course.

Wake up at the same time every day
You do not need to sleep at the same hour every night. However, it would be good for your body to wake up at the same hour every day. If you wake up at the same time each day, the body will establish sleep patterns. If you have a regular sleep pattern, then your body will automatically have the "body clock". In the body's alarm, which will wake you up without having to rely on an alarm.

Remember, the bed only for sleep and sex

Try to keep your bedroom only for sleep and sex. If your bedroom is the television, laptop, radio and telephone, then the atmosphere will be disturbed sleep. Activity that occurs because these electronic devices will destroy your desire to rest. So, you should keep the equipment from your bedroom.

Do not think about weight problems
Key from a sound sleep is not stressed. Try to solve problems at work or home before you sleep. Stress than disturb your sleep problems, can also cause other diseases. If you are having severe problems should invest in yourself "I've been thinking about this all day, it's time to rest and I'll continue tomorrow with a fresh body"

Prioritizing the quality of the quantity
If you have little time to sleep best use. Because, the quality of sleep will greatly affect your health than the quantity of sleep. If you sleep too long will actually cause headaches. So, use your sleep time.

Monday, February 15, 2010

7 Habits That Cause Potbelly

But do not worry, many solutions that can be done to overcome them. For that, you need first, what habits can lead to fat in the abdomen.

Here are 7 habits that can lead to fat deposits in the abdomen:

1. Excessive Lunch
These tactics always backfire. When you skip breakfast, you'll get even at lunchtime. Your appetite will increase two-fold, when you did not eat breakfast. This revenge factor that usually makes you go crazy and over lunch. This is also what makes the number of fat that gather in your stomach. Try to control your appetite by eating small portions of food or medium size, and eat every three to four hours. Guaranteed in this way does not make your stomach stretched and cause fat deposits.

2. Becoming Vegetarian
Women will often shy away from foods such as meat, fish and various types of milk because these foods contain lots of calories and fat. But the fact is, the kinds of foods are protein sources that can help increase your metabolism to fend off the coming problems protruding belly. Choosing foods low in calories, low in fat like cheese or tuna fish can help you get enough protein. For example, 6 ounces of tuna fish that we eat every day, guaranteed to meet three-quarters of your daily protein needs.

3. Eating too much bread
The high insulin content in the bread could trigger the occurrence of obesity is increasing gradually, and allows increased fat in the abdomen. Better consumption of rice, oatmeal, or whole wheat tortillas (wheat flour) once a day, guaranteed not to increase abdominal fat.

4. Sit-ups considers Can Make Stomach Flat
Sit-ups to tighten the abdominal muscles was true, but do sit-ups will not reduce the effect of a layer of fat in the abdomen. Do 50, 100 and 500 sit-ups will not even make you loose jeans in a flash. What should you do? The answer is cardio exercise. Because by doing cardio as a warm-up exercises such as cycling, walking or dancing before exercise, can burn more calories than not do it at all. Rather than waste all your time for sit-ups, better cycling or walking around your house complex.

5. Alcoholic Beverages
Beverage alcohol has many calories. So that when you celebrate binge, nutritionists would say, basically it can invite the fat deposits in your abdomen. If you want alcoholic beverages would prefer red wine, because based on the research, consuming red wine can erode the fat in the abdomen.

6. Food Consumption and Low-fat Low Calorie
You might think that choosing sugar-free yogurt, diet sodas or snacks that contain less fat and low in calories can help you reduce fat deposits. but according to some versions of nutritionists say that eating foods with sugar content corresponding believed to trigger your metabolism to increase fat storage.

7. Food left High Saturated Fat Nothing
This is just the opposite, foods high in saturated fat can help you burn belly fat and lead you to eat less. Nutritionists recommend cutting one-quarter of the avocado in a sandwich or a little olive oil and vinegar salad, can be a food high in unsaturated fats are good for the body.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

You know, when sleep time is spent working, of course, can make the body condition is not stable? Perhaps, your profession requires to work outside working hours in the evening. Such as hotel employees, medical personnel or the news reporters to be ready 24 hours. When should undergo the night shift or overtime work you have to use their sleep time to work.

According to dr. Hrayr Attarian, chief medic at Fletcher Allen Health Care, Vermont, United States, not much different from the machine, a biological body needs a break. Like a machine that is used continuously without stopping, automatic engine parts over time, or in this case the body organs will be damaged.

At night, the body's metabolic rate decreases. At this time the body to discharge toxic chemicals (detoxification) in the antibody system. So it's worth, in these hours to rest your body. If you ignore sleep or often stay up all night can disrupt the process of disposal of substances such useless. So bad for health.

If it so, diseases or health disorders that are vulnerable to attack that night workers, among others:

Lack of sleep at night, can make immune decline. Well, if these conditions along with the evening breeze on our bodies, cold will be a disease for us.

As stamina was not fit, causing vulnerable to the flu, because due to a virus.

Infection of respiratory system disorders
The cold night wind can cause, disruption of lung health. Particularly cold allergy sufferers, will be prone to bronchitis and asthma.

Liver or hepatitis A
This is because people are active at night, his heart function is triggered to work faster so that the higher body detoxification. As a result, the condition of the body susceptible to disease.


Digestive system is relatively inactive at night. If you eat any food can trigger digestive problems, such as stomach upset and diarrhea.

Heart health disorders
The more nights to work the heart work harder. When you sleep, the heart is resting, and working more slowly. When you work nights, the heart works too, and continue to pump blood into the body.

In order to avoid the disease, follow the following tips:

Reduce coffee. Indeed, this one drink can make us not sleepy. But, caffeine in coffee can actually increase the risk of gastritis or gastric disturbances. Replace coffee with water or tea.

Eat enough before and during overtime
. If you're dieting, you should stop it first. Therefore, the extra work requires extra energy, which can be obtained from food nutrients. Eat fruits and vegetables, so that adequate fiber intake.

Consumption of vitamin C supplements, or multivitamins. The objective is to improve the immune system, antioxidants, and repair body cells are damaged.

Enough rest time. When your body's biological time is not normal, people who stayed up late to change the hours of rest at another time. sleep a little before night duty. That way, your stamina will be maintained despite up all night.

Regular exercise to maintain fitness. No need to type a particular sport, the important moves actively, such as walking and climbing stairs.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Lemon And A Variety Of Benefits

Beliefs of ancient Egypt, admitted drinking lemon juice can protect the body from various kinds of poisons and diseases. The belief in special properties of this small yellow fruit finally proved.

Benefits of lemon on health has been known for centuries. Lemon contains many substances, especially citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin and limonin which affects the immune system and anti-infective.

Here are some of the benefits of natural lemon proven since time immemorial:

- Relieves fever

When cold, shivering with fever, a lemon can ease these symptoms. Make juice from one lemon mixed with a cup of hot water and honey. Drink as soon as made, repeat every two hours until the fever subsided.

- Treat Sprue

Lemon was known as an antibacterial and antiviral agents to accelerate the healing process of canker sores. Mix fresh lemon juice with a glass of warm water and rinsed using three times a day. The first usage cause burning sensation when lemon juice on the sprue. With regular use, the burning will disappear by itself.

- Eliminate Acne

Lemons contain citric acid is effective to cure acne. Vitamin C in lemon make skin radiant and can kill some types of bacteria that cause acne. In addition to drink lemon juice in the morning, do the treatment with the lemon face as follows.

1. Apply fresh lemon juice on the acne with a clean finger or cotton ball, leave overnight. Wash your face with water in the morning. At first there may be some burning and discomfort in the skin, but it will soon disappear.

2. Mix each one part fresh squeezed lemon juice with rose water or honey. Put the mixture in the acne for half an hour, then wash clean. Do it two times a day, morning and afternoon.

- Giving Soothing Effect

Research shows that the lemon can be soothing and help eliminate fatigue, fatigue, dizziness, anxiety, nervousness, and tension. Scent of lemon oil effectively improve concentration and alertness. We recommend using a lemon scent air freshener in offices to improve work efficiency. Drizzle a few drops of lemon essential oil on a handkerchief and breathe when you feel tense.

- Treat Skin Calluses

Lemon peel effectively eliminating calluses on the hands. Place the lemon slice thickness of 5 mm into the calloused hands and rub on the skin surface, then dressing overnight. Callus area rubbed with lemon essential oil, can help speed up the healing process. It is recommended that careful use of pure oil in the callus with a cotton ball, because it was too strong.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

10 Kinds Of Foods Flu Prevention

There are many ways done to prevent the flu viruses that do not cause you pain. Most people consume orange juice and eating hot soup when flu symptoms begin to attack.

However, preventing food and cold medicine is not only that. Vitamins A, C and E and several other nutrients improve immune against flu viruses. According to Eric Plasker, author of 'The 100 Year Lifestyle', healthy food intake pattern depends on daily life.

According to him, healthy foods in the menu to make good health because they contain bacteria and viruses stress and antioxidants. Foods with certain nutrients to build immunity, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-bacterial and repairing damaged cells.

Here are some types of food to ward off the flu virus:

1.Paprika Red
Some people consume high doses of vitamin C when flu symptoms begin to attack. Not only against the symptoms of flu, vitamin C accelerate the period of the disease symptoms. Orange juice is not the only choice of vitamin C. Red peppers contain vitamin C equivalent of orange juice at the same time increasing the body immunity.

Yellow and orange vegetables are like carrots contain beta-carotene to vitamin A alter T cells that maintain the body's immune. Jennifer Zartarian, researchers from the Long Island College Hospital New York City suggest carrot menu in the menu daily.

This bean is famous for vitamin E, which ward off disease and a good antioxidant. Eat a handful of almonds as a small snack in the afternoon or use the main menu.

4.Sweet Potatoes
Like carrots, sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene and vitamins A change to help restore the respiratory tract. Cook the potatoes into soup, salad, and appetizers.

5.Chicken Soup
Chicken soup contains a variety of vegetables (like carrots) that helps treat the inflammation and reduce mucus production and sore throat. Warm chicken soup gives a sense of warmth and increases the body temperature as well as ward off infection.

Sulfur content contained in garlic proven to kill viruses and prevent illness. Garlic in a serving dish with enough to protect health.


This natural plants contain gingerol, especially in fresh ginger. Gingerol serves as an antiseptic. These types of herbs can be incorporated as a spice in cooking the main meal.

8.Salmon Fish
Marine fish is a source of omega-3 which increases the body immunity. Salmon Fish can be cooked as a main dish or salad.

Mushrooms are often found as a topping on pizza contains selenium, which helps white blood cells produce cytokines that heal disease. Mushrooms also contain beta-glucan, an anti micro bacterial which prevent the infection. Mushrooms can be included in a meal of soup, salad and opening menus.

10.Chocolate Black
Eating dark chocolate help the development of T cells and fight infection and increase stamina. But like sugar and alcohol, eating too much chocolate in fact damage your health.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Whether you are busy?? Exercises can be done anywhere

Denseness of your daily schedule is often a forgotten sports activities. Job stacking or a traffic jam often becomes the reason you never come to the gym. But, you know, there are many routine activities that can be used as a form of sport activities. Any activity that can simultaneously burn calories 200-300 calories a day. Automatic, weight loss can also be shrunk. What are the activities?

Climbing stairs
61 calories per 10 minutes

No longer dependent on the elevator or Escalator, either in office or public place, if you just want to go to floor 4, 3, let alone 2. Walking through the steps to tighten the thigh muscles, calves, buttocks, too. If you can move more quickly or half run, this activity can even tighten the waist muscles. If you storey house, also familiarize themselves up and down to pick up the required rather than sent servants.

Shopping at the mall
35 calories per 10 minutes

It turned out shopping at the mall can also burn calories. Shopping at the mall who can spend hours and hours, was also quite effective. With a moderate pace, explore the mall can train the thigh and calf muscles, arms, and upper abdomen.

Lifting groceries
31 calories per 10 minutes

Hang plastic grocery in the arm can train your back muscles, arms, and waist. While carrying a shopping bag can train the shoulder muscles, arms, and calves. So, when shopping at the supermarket, forget the stroller, but use a hand basket. Well, after shopping, when the groceries only about 2-3 bags, remove it from the trolley, and take it with a hand toward the park.

Wearing vacuum cleaner
23 calories per 10 minutes

More of this activity to train the hand muscles, especially the upper arm. With occasional bent, waist muscles too trained. Movement should be done by using both hands. Clean the area with as much movement back and forth 3-5 times. Keep your body is not too bent.

17 calories per 10 minutes

Intensive ironing can tighten the arm and train the balance of left and right hand. Iron tools can be a burden on the exercise when the ironing in a standing position. Ironing can train arm and back muscles. To prevent back pain, use one foot stepping stones alternately.

23 calories per 10 minutes

The number of calories burned is calculated starting from the activities of preparing food ingredients, such as washing, slicing, smoothing ingredients, to cook. Cooking in a standing position will train arm and leg muscles, while in a sitting position, only the wrist muscles. The more prepared meals, the more calories you burn (as preparation for longer, so you are more mobile).

Washing dishes
15 calories per 10 minutes

Try washing your own dishes. Washing, getting up to train the upper arm muscles and shoulders. Should do high-intensity movements (quite powerful). Of course this is not difficult, because sometimes you need extra energy to remove oil stains or hardened feces in the pan.

63 calories per 10 minutes

Instead of assigning a gardener for gardening, it would be nice if occasionally you own a handle intervene. Gardening activities, such as pruning trees, smooth pots, planting flowers, watering plants, and provide fertilizer can be a relaxation activities. As well as effective for burning calories. Gardening is done with a sitting position (cutting plant, fertilize, and the like) may exercise the waist and back muscles. While the squat position repeatedly also part of the thigh muscles.

Cleaning glass
30 calories per 10 minutes

Repeat alternately plays with his right hand and left for a bicep curl. Movement horizontally and vertically, which made each and every 5 times 3 replications repeated movements can also train the hand muscles. Cleaning the glass in a position to tighten the foot tiptoe calf and thigh muscles. Clean the glass, reaching high coverage can tighten your back muscles and arms. For more effective results, use a rag with no handles or short-handled.

Washing cars
64 calories per 10 minutes

Car flushed with water as warm-up at the beginning of gymnastics. Scrubbing with soap car can train your back muscles and arms. Brushing tires with the squatting position may exercise the thigh and calf muscles. While drying the car with a cloth, in addition to the waist muscles are also useful to tighten the arm muscles.

Before you burn calories ...
To maintain or lose weight, in one day you may only:
• Burn up to 300 calories. More than that will reduce your stamina so that your body resistance against diseases will decrease.

• You still need to eat food, at least 1200 calories. (300-calorie breakfast, 500 lunch, and dinner 400 calories)

How To Overcome Your Anger??

Every person must have the character and nature different from each other. Like, bad-tempered, patient, loving, or easily offended. But, what if you are the type of ill-tempered, easily ignited emotions and difficult to reduce anger? If this attitude could stick a bad effect on your life.

Here are some ways that you can follow to help deaden your anger:

1. Do not give in to anger.
Many people believe in the "catharsis hypothesis", which is thought to express anger can help reduce the burden of your feelings and thoughts. This way is not necessarily correct. A study shows that expressing anger will only make things worse. Better, damping anger by trying to calm myself by doing your favorite activities.

2. Try sleeping
If you feel upset with someone at night, perhaps because the moment you are feeling tired. But, try to force yourself to put off anger blazing and try to sleep. If you are successful, the next morning anger usually will subside.

3. Willing to accept mistakes.

Part of the people who hate themselves when making mistakes. Can not even admit his guilt. But, try to think, a mistake that you have done. Stop asking yourself "Am I wrong?", Respond mistake yourself with tenderness, not anger.

4. Where To Find Out
Studies show, when the mind is empty, in a place of contemplation is the proper way. Find the right area to be alone. This way you can calm the mind was chaotic.

5. Divert the mind.
Involved in a hot climate was making sometimes volatile emotions. But, try to switch your mind to recall wonderful moments. Or, do activities that can make a calm heart. Can also write all that is happening in your diary. This can help to calm a hot mood.

6. Laugh and laugh.

Humor is the answer for everything, sports too. If you really can not hold anger, try to set up a joke, or making fun of ourselves, or scream with funny words.
Can also show your anger to someone with a low tone of voice is not high. The advantage of this approach is that you will not care how other people respond. Once you do that with a low tone, the anger would be reduced.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Solutions For Insomnia

If you have more than a week is hard to visit the dream world, you could be suffering from insomnia. Sleep disorders can be identified from can not sleep at night or waking often just take a nap though, and could not sleep again.

Insomnia can affect the quality of life infected. Lack of sleep can make sufferers feel sleepy during the day. feel nervous because of lack of sleep, and stress.

The cause of insomnia from time to time usually caused short-term stress. This can take several days to many weeks. But, usually will improve in less than a month. Nearly 50 percent of people with insomnia is usually caused by sleep problems and 14 percent due to the use of sleeping pills.

However, these sleep problems can become serious problems if experienced for months. This condition can be classified as Chronic Insomnia. The symptoms, of depression and chronic pain. This type of insomnia is rare. Usually attacking 10 percent to 15 percent of adults.

So, what causes Insomnia??
1.Stress, can be caused fears of an incident, such as worry about the workload.

2.Unhealthy sleeping habits. For example, watching television in bed.

3.Changes in sleep habits and environment. Like, sound, light, or sleeping in different beds. Including changes in sleep patterns, such as working on night shift.

4.Body aches, fatigue and, breathing problems.

5.Eating a stimulus that causes disturbed sleep. Among other things, tobacco, caffeine, and medications.

Here's the solution, so that these sleep disorders do not become chronic:
1.Begin to regulate sleep patterns may be stable. Sleep and wake at the same time every day, not least in the holidays. Get used to it in order to schedule your sleep patterns back to normal.

2.Avoid consuming coffee or other caffeine beverages from late afternoon until bedtime. Also, stop smoking. Nicotine can be a stimulant, which can make you awake.

3.Exercise regularly. If the body is tired, you will more easily fall asleep. But, remember do not exercise just before bed.

4.Use the bed only for sleep and sex. Do not get used to doing other activities in bed. Like, eating or working. It is useful to make you accustomed as he lay on the bed, then it is time to sleep.

5.Relaxation. You can try yoga or meditation. This activity will help you more relaxed and comfortable

A Few Things To Know To Exercise

Drink water before exercise is not the best solution to eliminate dehydration, because after your workout will still dehydrated through your sweat out. We recommend that before during and after exercise sufficient water consumption, so that you avoid dehydration
Here are some tips that you exercise more effective:

Eat before and after exercise

The body needs carbohydrates and protein intake. Carbohydrates give us energy during exercise and nutrition to maintain protein build muscle and repair damaged tissue
advised to eat a light menu one hour before exercising.

Bananas, cereal grains, or eating an apple with peanut butter helps keep the hunger to finish exercising. After the intake of protein or carbohydrate, will stimulate the formation of muscle. Advised to avoid foods that contain sugar as will make you become weak and also avoid caffeine because it makes you feel fresh but quickly becomes limp.

Breathe With Right

Notice how your breathing as a way to breathe is not correct to make your breasts feel tender. Breathe properly will make you able to exercise longer than usual. For example the time lifting weights, take a breath every time the movement and the waste of breath as you lower the load. for using a treadmill can draw breath every three steps and take it out after the next two steps.

The appropriate clothing

When exercise wear appropriate clothing with your body, do not be too tight or too loose, not because while exercising your body also requires air. Arms, legs and other body parts also need the freedom to move. You can use clothes with a synthetic rubber material having air circulation.

Choose the right time to exercise

Sports at the time of our body feels tired and sore, or even ill will damage the body and gives a negative energy
eg sports at night after work is not quite right choice. Do sports at the time the body was fit in order to obtain maximum results. Everyone has an different energy levels, you may now feel fit and the next day so you lose the power to dismiss itself from the activities provided are not exercising for a long time.