Monday, February 8, 2010

Lemon And A Variety Of Benefits

Beliefs of ancient Egypt, admitted drinking lemon juice can protect the body from various kinds of poisons and diseases. The belief in special properties of this small yellow fruit finally proved.

Benefits of lemon on health has been known for centuries. Lemon contains many substances, especially citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin and limonin which affects the immune system and anti-infective.

Here are some of the benefits of natural lemon proven since time immemorial:

- Relieves fever

When cold, shivering with fever, a lemon can ease these symptoms. Make juice from one lemon mixed with a cup of hot water and honey. Drink as soon as made, repeat every two hours until the fever subsided.

- Treat Sprue

Lemon was known as an antibacterial and antiviral agents to accelerate the healing process of canker sores. Mix fresh lemon juice with a glass of warm water and rinsed using three times a day. The first usage cause burning sensation when lemon juice on the sprue. With regular use, the burning will disappear by itself.

- Eliminate Acne

Lemons contain citric acid is effective to cure acne. Vitamin C in lemon make skin radiant and can kill some types of bacteria that cause acne. In addition to drink lemon juice in the morning, do the treatment with the lemon face as follows.

1. Apply fresh lemon juice on the acne with a clean finger or cotton ball, leave overnight. Wash your face with water in the morning. At first there may be some burning and discomfort in the skin, but it will soon disappear.

2. Mix each one part fresh squeezed lemon juice with rose water or honey. Put the mixture in the acne for half an hour, then wash clean. Do it two times a day, morning and afternoon.

- Giving Soothing Effect

Research shows that the lemon can be soothing and help eliminate fatigue, fatigue, dizziness, anxiety, nervousness, and tension. Scent of lemon oil effectively improve concentration and alertness. We recommend using a lemon scent air freshener in offices to improve work efficiency. Drizzle a few drops of lemon essential oil on a handkerchief and breathe when you feel tense.

- Treat Skin Calluses

Lemon peel effectively eliminating calluses on the hands. Place the lemon slice thickness of 5 mm into the calloused hands and rub on the skin surface, then dressing overnight. Callus area rubbed with lemon essential oil, can help speed up the healing process. It is recommended that careful use of pure oil in the callus with a cotton ball, because it was too strong.

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