Monday, February 1, 2010

Whether you are busy?? Exercises can be done anywhere

Denseness of your daily schedule is often a forgotten sports activities. Job stacking or a traffic jam often becomes the reason you never come to the gym. But, you know, there are many routine activities that can be used as a form of sport activities. Any activity that can simultaneously burn calories 200-300 calories a day. Automatic, weight loss can also be shrunk. What are the activities?

Climbing stairs
61 calories per 10 minutes

No longer dependent on the elevator or Escalator, either in office or public place, if you just want to go to floor 4, 3, let alone 2. Walking through the steps to tighten the thigh muscles, calves, buttocks, too. If you can move more quickly or half run, this activity can even tighten the waist muscles. If you storey house, also familiarize themselves up and down to pick up the required rather than sent servants.

Shopping at the mall
35 calories per 10 minutes

It turned out shopping at the mall can also burn calories. Shopping at the mall who can spend hours and hours, was also quite effective. With a moderate pace, explore the mall can train the thigh and calf muscles, arms, and upper abdomen.

Lifting groceries
31 calories per 10 minutes

Hang plastic grocery in the arm can train your back muscles, arms, and waist. While carrying a shopping bag can train the shoulder muscles, arms, and calves. So, when shopping at the supermarket, forget the stroller, but use a hand basket. Well, after shopping, when the groceries only about 2-3 bags, remove it from the trolley, and take it with a hand toward the park.

Wearing vacuum cleaner
23 calories per 10 minutes

More of this activity to train the hand muscles, especially the upper arm. With occasional bent, waist muscles too trained. Movement should be done by using both hands. Clean the area with as much movement back and forth 3-5 times. Keep your body is not too bent.

17 calories per 10 minutes

Intensive ironing can tighten the arm and train the balance of left and right hand. Iron tools can be a burden on the exercise when the ironing in a standing position. Ironing can train arm and back muscles. To prevent back pain, use one foot stepping stones alternately.

23 calories per 10 minutes

The number of calories burned is calculated starting from the activities of preparing food ingredients, such as washing, slicing, smoothing ingredients, to cook. Cooking in a standing position will train arm and leg muscles, while in a sitting position, only the wrist muscles. The more prepared meals, the more calories you burn (as preparation for longer, so you are more mobile).

Washing dishes
15 calories per 10 minutes

Try washing your own dishes. Washing, getting up to train the upper arm muscles and shoulders. Should do high-intensity movements (quite powerful). Of course this is not difficult, because sometimes you need extra energy to remove oil stains or hardened feces in the pan.

63 calories per 10 minutes

Instead of assigning a gardener for gardening, it would be nice if occasionally you own a handle intervene. Gardening activities, such as pruning trees, smooth pots, planting flowers, watering plants, and provide fertilizer can be a relaxation activities. As well as effective for burning calories. Gardening is done with a sitting position (cutting plant, fertilize, and the like) may exercise the waist and back muscles. While the squat position repeatedly also part of the thigh muscles.

Cleaning glass
30 calories per 10 minutes

Repeat alternately plays with his right hand and left for a bicep curl. Movement horizontally and vertically, which made each and every 5 times 3 replications repeated movements can also train the hand muscles. Cleaning the glass in a position to tighten the foot tiptoe calf and thigh muscles. Clean the glass, reaching high coverage can tighten your back muscles and arms. For more effective results, use a rag with no handles or short-handled.

Washing cars
64 calories per 10 minutes

Car flushed with water as warm-up at the beginning of gymnastics. Scrubbing with soap car can train your back muscles and arms. Brushing tires with the squatting position may exercise the thigh and calf muscles. While drying the car with a cloth, in addition to the waist muscles are also useful to tighten the arm muscles.

Before you burn calories ...
To maintain or lose weight, in one day you may only:
• Burn up to 300 calories. More than that will reduce your stamina so that your body resistance against diseases will decrease.

• You still need to eat food, at least 1200 calories. (300-calorie breakfast, 500 lunch, and dinner 400 calories)

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