Saturday, January 30, 2010

Solutions For Insomnia

If you have more than a week is hard to visit the dream world, you could be suffering from insomnia. Sleep disorders can be identified from can not sleep at night or waking often just take a nap though, and could not sleep again.

Insomnia can affect the quality of life infected. Lack of sleep can make sufferers feel sleepy during the day. feel nervous because of lack of sleep, and stress.

The cause of insomnia from time to time usually caused short-term stress. This can take several days to many weeks. But, usually will improve in less than a month. Nearly 50 percent of people with insomnia is usually caused by sleep problems and 14 percent due to the use of sleeping pills.

However, these sleep problems can become serious problems if experienced for months. This condition can be classified as Chronic Insomnia. The symptoms, of depression and chronic pain. This type of insomnia is rare. Usually attacking 10 percent to 15 percent of adults.

So, what causes Insomnia??
1.Stress, can be caused fears of an incident, such as worry about the workload.

2.Unhealthy sleeping habits. For example, watching television in bed.

3.Changes in sleep habits and environment. Like, sound, light, or sleeping in different beds. Including changes in sleep patterns, such as working on night shift.

4.Body aches, fatigue and, breathing problems.

5.Eating a stimulus that causes disturbed sleep. Among other things, tobacco, caffeine, and medications.

Here's the solution, so that these sleep disorders do not become chronic:
1.Begin to regulate sleep patterns may be stable. Sleep and wake at the same time every day, not least in the holidays. Get used to it in order to schedule your sleep patterns back to normal.

2.Avoid consuming coffee or other caffeine beverages from late afternoon until bedtime. Also, stop smoking. Nicotine can be a stimulant, which can make you awake.

3.Exercise regularly. If the body is tired, you will more easily fall asleep. But, remember do not exercise just before bed.

4.Use the bed only for sleep and sex. Do not get used to doing other activities in bed. Like, eating or working. It is useful to make you accustomed as he lay on the bed, then it is time to sleep.

5.Relaxation. You can try yoga or meditation. This activity will help you more relaxed and comfortable

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